Banfield Pet Hospital
Holiday PhotoLab
Generate brand awareness and increase brand loyalty
Encourage Fans to interact with their brand
Increase the amount of time fans stay on their Facebook page
Build Facebook fan base
Online access via custom username and password; accessible 24/7
Real-time tracking of participants usage
- Facebook custom tab
- User generated content app
- Language notification app
Banfield Pet Hospital, the largest Pet general veterinary practice in the world can be found in more than 750 PetSmart stores across North America. Bernstein Rein advertising agency and Banfield Pet Hospital licensed SoLook Media’s suite of Facebook applications to build and launch a custom Holiday Photo Lab app on Banfield’s Facebook fanpage. Cuteness and charm aplenty!
Facebook users were required to first “”Like”” the fanpage to access the Photo Lab app, where they could contribute their own pet photo and/or view others’ submissions. To take part, participants uploaded a photo of their pet to the Photo Lab and then adorned it with an array of Christmas items; from ear muffs and Santa hats to Christmas tree baubles and Rudolph red noses. Using SoLook Media’s User Generated Content app, a seamless drag and drop functionality allowed participants to select and place the items anywhere on their photo, resizing and rotating to create a custom fit for their pet.
For a final touch participants added a title to their pet photo and submitted it to the gallery. A follow up page displayed their Photo Lab creation and the picture was automatically uploaded to the participant’s Facebook personal profile pictures. Viral marketing tools allowed participants to share their picture with their Twitter and Facebook networks. This campaign was designed to promote brand awareness, drive up the Facebook fanbase and increase brand loyalty by enabling new customers to interact with each other and the brand in a fun and creative way.