LA Times
Burger Recipe
Build brand awareness
Increase time spent on L.A. Times Food Facebook page
Build Facebook fanbase
Capture Fan customer demographic and preferences data
Online access via custom username and password; accessible 24/7Real-time tracking of contest entries
- User Generated Content app
- Content Management system
- Language notification app
- Voting app
- Data Capture app
To engage its Facebook community during the summer season and encourage interaction on their fan page, the Los Angeles Times Food section reached out to all its fans asking them for their favourite burger recipe. The Battle of the Burgers contest was hosted on their Facebook page, and encouraged readers to share their recipe for that “”one mouth-watering burger that defines summer for your friends and family””.
A call to action across various channels drove traffic to the custom ‘Burgers’ tab on Los Angeles Times Food Facebook page, and for 3 weeks readers could enter their favourite burger recipe accompanied by its picture perfect moment. The ‘Burgers’ app was only accessible to fans of the Facebook page. On accessing the app participants could complete a simple registration form and enter the details of their recipe along with its title and a picture of their fabulous burger and details of any related blog posts or tweets. Participants were also given the chance to explain why their burger was the ‘biggest and baddest out there’!
After 3 weeks the submission phase ended and the voting phase began. All entries were posted on the ‘Burgers’ tab for readers to view and vote on throughout the following week. Readers’ top 20 favourites were tested by the Los Angeles Times Food section representatives to come up with the very best burgers! The winners were invited to visit the Los Angeles Times Test Kitchen and their recipe published in the food section for the Fourth of July!