Affordable Home Automation That Works; With over 300 devices to choose from, our smart home solution adds remote control and automation to lighting, appliance and home control applications of all types, allowing you to manage your home the way you want. Easy to install and setup, the more devices you add the stronger and smarter your home becomes. SoLook Smart Home solution offers the flexibility and dependability to make your life more convenient, safe and fun.
Interactive Digital Decoration
Home Control Hub
If you use a smartphone, you already know how to use our SoLook smart home system. With SoLook Hub, controlling and configuring home automation devices is quick, easy and fun. Hub setup takes a couple of minutes and a few moments per light switch, sensor, etc. – all you need to do is connect it to power and your home’s internet router. Simply put, your smartphone communicates to your Hub from anywhere, and your Hub communicates with our smart devices throughout your home.